Sie konnten sich gegen 5.011 Konzepte aus 45 Ländern durchsetzen.
In dieser zweiten Runde zeichnete die Expertenjury insgesamt 68 Arbeiten aus.
Der iF DESIGN TALENT AWARD ist einer der bedeutendsten und größten Nachwuchswettbewerbe im Design weltweit. Er findet zweimal im Jahr statt (Edition 01 + 02). Nun ist auch die zweite Runde entschieden:
68 Konzepte von Studierenden aus 14 Ländern wurden mit dem iF DESIGN TALENT AWARD 2017_02 ausgezeichnet die 20 herausragendsten Arbeiten davon wurden mit EUR 20.000 Preisgeld belohnt.
Einreichungen waren zu den folgenden Schwerpunktthemen möglich:
- Smart Homes, Connected Cities — Visions for Cities and Citizens
- Public Value, Life & Humanity — Living Together
- Micro Apartments – Maximizing Small Space
- Future Healthcare – Using Technology to Keep Us Healthier
Studierende und Absolventen sämtlicher Studiengänge der Fachrichtungen Design und Architektur nahmen die Herausforderung an und nutzten ihre Chance, auf sich aufmerksam zu machen und ihre Leistungen von einer internationalen Expertenjury prüfen zu lassen.
iF DESIGN TALENT AWARD 2017 – Edition 02 | auf einen Blick:
5.011 angemeldete Beiträge
68 ausgezeichnete Beiträge
20 Preisträger teilen sich EUR 20.000 Preisgeld
Länderstatistik — die 68 Preisträger kommen aus 14 Nationen:
Brasilien (2), China (13), Deutschland (8), Hongkong (1), Iran (1),Irland (1), Niederlande (3), Österreich (1), Republik Korea (14), Schweden (5), Taiwan (1 5), Türkei (2), Tschechische Republik (1), USA (1)
Alle prämierten Konzepte werden zeitlich unbegrenzt im iF WORLD DESIGN GUIDE, der größten Designausstellung im Internet, präsentiert.
iF design app
In dieser kostenlosen App werden alle ausgezeichneten Konzepte in Bild und Text ausführlich vorgestellt.
iF design exhibition Hamburg
Die 68 prämierten Wettbewerbsbeiträge werden als Poster und digital auf Surftischen in den Räumen der iF design exhibition in Hamburg präsentiert.
Alle Beiträge hier:
Edition 01 + 02 (gesamt)
13.732 angemeldete Beiträge
126 ausgezeichnete Beiträge
48 Preisträger teilen Sich EUR 40.000 Preisgeld
acht vorgegebene Schwerpunktthemen:
Edition 01
1 . Bike-Centered City 2030 – Shifting the traffic ecosystem
2. Public Value: Help & Support — Helping people help themselves
3. HANSGROHE DESIGN PRIZE 2017 by if Future Living: Innovative Forms of Using Water in Tomorrow’s Kitchen
4. HAIER DESIGN PRIZE 2017 by if Wonderful Home Life: Global We, Local Me
Edition 02
1 . Smart Homes, Connected Cities — Visions for Cities and Citizens
2. Public Value, Life & Humanity – Living Together
3. Micro Apartments – Maximizing Small Space
4. Future Healthcare – Using Technology to Keep Us Healthier
1. Smart Homes, Connected Cities — Visions for Cities and Citizens
“For me as a juror, it has been really interesting to see what participants came up with for the future of smart cities and homes. I was impressed by the many entries which addressed societal challenges such as safety, health and a sustainable environment. This really shows the sense of purpose and the concern that this new generation has for our future environment.“
Boudewijn Soetens
Innovation & Strategy Director, VanBerIo, The Netherlands
„The participants submitted a huge array of possible solutions for the future of the city and its inhabitants. The results are highly speculative on many levels and show how complex our connected world is and how many more challenges lie in the future. I am looking forward to this future and hope that all participants and the winners keep researching and developing products that solve, predict and connect our future solutions. “
Prof. Dipl.-lng. Ruth Berktold
YES ARCHITECTURE Munich I New York, Germany
2. Public Value, Life & Humanity — Living Together
“Only when design is considered from different perspectives can it create effective solutions. The winning entry takes two perspectives, that of a homeless person and of someone who wants to help. When judging, I looked for entries that researched subjects, prototyped and tested designs, which many entries did not do. My advice to teachers and students is to be true to the design process, even when the material is challenging.“
Darragh Murphy
Design Management Specialist, DUCO, Brazil
„The crop of international entries on a wide variety of topics and trends, and deviations in quality and focus of entries made a final selection particularly challenging. The interaction and exchange with the other jury member, the ensuing discussion over the distribution of prize money and the process of reaching an equitable consensus was both necessary and enriching.
Charles O. Job
Design & Architecture, Switzerland
3. Micro Apartments — Maximizing Small Space
„The entries had different conceptual and technical quality. I would summarize the approach to contemporary concerns facing design in two main options: the (highly) technological solution and the craft/organic solution. The results shows that both options can be good solutions and win an award. I am glad to note that there were entries from different nationalities and that the winners also reflect the diversity of cultural backgrounds and contexts. “
Fatima Pombo
Professor, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
4. Future Healthcare — Using Technology to Keep Us Healthier
„Working through all these entries was like looking into a box of future: So many literally ‚wonderful‘ and challenging ideas and concepts developed by young creative people. Especially the concentration on minimalistic design concepts is inspiring and convincing. It was a pleasure and honor to be part of the jury team.“
Anja Scholze
Anja Scholze Architektur, Germany
“I myself once was a finalist in a young design award, and still remember the excitement of meeting experienced designers. I was glad to see that despite digitalization, contemporary designers do not lose sight of the human factors. The best results considered ergonomics, user friendliness and typical medical concerns. Putting the end user central in the product concept phase is key.“
Steven Dehollander
General Manager, pilipili NV, The Netherlands
Bildquelle: iF DESIGN TALENTS GmbH
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